Sunday, December 16, 2012

road to the disney half marathon- less than a month

There's less than a month now until the Disney World Half Marathon and I'm more excited than ever. I've gotta admit though that I slacked on my run training towards the beginning, but I've now almost caught up. This weekend was suppose to be the 9 mile run, but I've been experiencing a lot of pain in my lateral right knee and had to rest it for fear of it getting worse. But, I finally got a knee-brace thing and it pretty much took care of the problem. My ideas are that it's a patellar tendon and/or distal IT band tightness/stretching from my undoubtedly incorrect running stride. But, either way this brace seems to be doing the job because I felt no pain on my 8 mile run the other day. So it looks like things are back on track.

I almost feel like it's taboo to say this, but....running isn't that bad. Can't believe I'd ever say that, but if you're conditioned, it's not horrible. But I add that astricks of "if you're conditioned" because there's few things worse than going out for a 3 mile jog when you haven't run in over a month.

I've also found the awesomeness of trail running. There's a really popular trail in Columbia called the MKT which is flat, open, and, really fun to run on. I emphasize flat, because hills aren't really fun on any run that's longer than 2 miles.

On these longer runs, listening to music only go so far, so I'm going to see if audiobooks can help pass the time a bit better. I sound like an old fart saying that, but hey it's worth a try.

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